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Low-Code Case Studies

Real-world Success Stories that EvonSys created with Low-Code Implementation

Check out some of EvonSys' acclaimed low-code case studies to see how they achieved success.

EvonSys created with Low-Code Implementation

Low-code development platforms have revolutionized the way organizations approach software development. They simplify the application development process and accelerate time-to-market by allowing users to drag and drop pre-built components and workflows. Let us dig deep into the performance of these platforms in the real world. 

EvonSys has an impressive track record of developing low-code solutions that deliver tangible benefits to clients. In this blog, let’s look at some real-world case studies demonstrating how EvonSys has helped clients leverage Pega's capabilities to achieve their business goals. From streamlining internal processes to creating engaging mobile apps, this blog will help you understand how low-code development transforms businesses across industries. 

Case Study 1: Enhancing financial customer experience with Pega 

EvonSys has helped a large financial institution enhance its customer experience by bridging the gap between its legacy mainframe system and modern customer experience channels. The goal was to ensure that all customers received timely and efficient information regarding their OTP transactions. By utilizing PEGA and mainframe synchronization, EvonSys created data persistence within PEGA that mirrored changes in the mainframe system. This enabled OTP transactions to be stored and displayed when they would have otherwise disappeared.  

As a result, customer satisfaction levels across all channels have increased since the solution was launched in Q1 2023. The benefits of this project are now available to all customers, making the financial institution more competitive in the market. 

Case Study 2: Increase efficiency & performance with Low-code 

In the modern world, businesses must be agile and efficient to stay ahead of the competition. EvonSys implemented a low-code solution to simplify and streamline the process of creating an interaction case for a US-based financial institution's loan servicing back-office users. By redesigning the screens and reducing the number of clicks, EvonSys enabled the back-office users to log a case easily without having to go through a complex flow.  

EvonSys designed, built, and tested the new screens, significantly improving the performance and efficiency of the loan servicing process. 

Case Study 3: Enhancing IT Service Management with Low-code 

EvonSys was approached by a client with a critical issue: their IT service desk needed an efficient service management platform to handle end-to-end IT service requests. Our team of developers used our cutting-edge low-code solution, Constellation UI, to create an intelligent and highly customizable service management platform tailored to the client's needs. 

The platform was built to integrate with the client's existing IT infrastructure. It was designed with a user-friendly interface, making it easy for the service desk team to manage IT service requests efficiently. It also included automated ticket assignment, real-time status updates, and detailed reporting, significantly improving the client's IT service management capabilities. 

The client saw a marked improvement in their IT service desk's efficiency and overall performance with the new service management platform. The platform streamlined their workflows and made it easier for them to track and resolve IT service requests promptly. The client was thrilled with the outcome, and we were proud to have helped them achieve their goals with our innovative low-code solution.

Case Study 4: Automating Bulk Case Creation 

A global provider of business administration and compliance solutions needed help with a manual case creation process that was time-consuming and impacted customer service delivery. They reached out to EvonSys to help streamline their process. 

Our team of experts collaborated with the client to design and implement an automated solution using low-code technology. The solution allowed for bulk case creation based on data from Excel, reducing the time taken to create cases and improving overall business processes. 

The results were significant. Our client saw a significant reduction in the time to create cases, freeing up valuable resources to focus on other critical business tasks. The automated process also improved accuracy and reduced errors, ensuring that cases were created quickly and efficiently. 

At EvonSys, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their business objectives. Our low-code solutions provide efficient and effective automation, allowing businesses to improve their processes and stay ahead of the competition. 

Final Words 

Low-code platforms have empowered businesses to create applications quickly and easily, resulting in significant cost savings and increased productivity. From healthcare to manufacturing to government agencies, low-code platforms have helped businesses achieve their goals and improve their services.  

The above 4 case studies are examples of how EvonSys assisted businesses in transforming their operations. However, this is just a tiny preview of what we can offer. To explore more exciting case studies, please visit the EvonSys website. 



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