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Pega solutions

The Power of PEGA Automation: How It Can Transform Your Business

Effortlessly upscaling a business is the smartest big step to success, and it is simpler, yet more efficient with Pega automation. Learn how in our blog.

EvonSys_The Power of Pega Automation

The Power of PEGA Automation: How It Can Transform Your Business

As an organization, when you embark on a journey of excellence, three critical questions often loom large: will projects meet their deadlines? Can workflows maintain both consistency and agility? And how can productivity surge, ensuring optimal outcomes? We have the response to all the questions, and no, it's not a set of three distinct solutions.

PEGA's low-code landscape automates your organizational processes from simple to complex. By leveraging this technology, you can accelerate your workflow and dedicate more time to what truly drives your business forward. In the words of PEGA itself - 

To put it plainly – we help you get more done by doing less.

PEGA: The Intelligent Automator

In today's tech-driven landscape, where every facet of existence is intertwined with technology, imagine a tech-savvy expert orchestrating all your digital tools effortlessly. That's intelligent automation – making data, processes, and operations work together smoothly, giving your team and customers an exceptional experience. 

PEGA is like the mastermind behind the scenes. With its more innovative tools, Pega automation is making businesses work smarter. Leading organizations already use Pega solutions to make their customers and employees happy. How? By making interactions smooth and boosting productivity through automation. PEGA's secret sauce? Keep everyone smiling – from customers to your team – while supercharging how things get done.

Propelling Productivity through Automation: How PEGA Makes it Possible

Thanks to automation, it's now possible to achieve reliable results, clear expectations, straightforward communication, and all-in-sync data. But here's the big question: How does PEGA Solutions make it happen? Like superheroes have their secret agents, let's meet Pega's.

Background Processing with Queue Processors and Job Schedulers

Pega Automation is your key to boosting scalability and efficiency by seamlessly handling tasks in the background. With Pega, there's no need for human resources to undertake tedious and repetitive work, such as sending emails, performing routine tasks, or managing item queues. This not only saves valuable time but also reduces costs. 

Pega accomplishes this by eliminating the need for manual agents and instead employs two powerful rules to streamline these tasks: 

  • Queue Processors 
  • Job Schedulers

These rules ensure that your operations run smoothly, making Pega a game-changer in optimizing workflow and resource allocation.

Queue Processors: Queue processors in Pega are the ultimate multitaskers, efficiently managing items in a queue. They shine when tasks or processes need to run on a schedule or in response to specific triggers. With the magic of queue processors, your application can tackle queued items based on time or a configured interval, all while supercharging efficiency through parallel asynchronous processing.

Imagine queue processors as the silent heroes working behind the scenes, ensuring seamless asynchronous processing. They're the traffic controllers, keeping your system running smoothly.

For routine tasks or modest workloads, standard queue processors are the go-to choice. But when you're dealing with heavy traffic or require tailored message handling, dedicated queue processors step up to the plate, ensuring your operations stay on the fast track.

EvonSys_Queue Processor Source: Pega

Job Schedulers: Pega's job scheduler automates recurring background tasks efficiently, managing job steps, service requests, and more. It's your go-to for tasks on a schedule, daily, weekly, or monthly, with precise control over timing.

Job schedulers act as decision-makers, setting the stage for each task. Need nightly statistics? The job scheduler uses report data to create a processing list, ensuring each item gets its due attention.

For routine tasks with a personal touch, rely on Pega's job schedulers – your Pega Platform experts.

EvonSys_Job Scheduler Source: Pega

Robotic Process Automation

Tasks like emails, text replies, and interdepartmental work can be dull, but they're essential. Imagine these chores seamlessly happening without your hands-on involvement – that's where Robotic Process Automation (RPA) comes in. PEGA's RPA is at your disposal, making customer service exceptional, clearing legacy backlogs, and boosting efficiency. 

Enter Pega Robot Studio, which goes one step further and empowers you to craft solutions, automating desktop apps without coding. The process mirrors software programming's logical steps and practices, but it's all about efficiency and simplicity. It's time to elevate your workflow with Pega's RPA magic.

Artificial intelligence Processing


Enhance your case management capabilities by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), decision management, and event processing. Pega AI Processing empowers you to create self-optimizing business processes that make predictions, smart decisions, and real-time adjustments throughout the case lifecycle.

  • AI-Driven Decisions: Deploy AI models for informed actions.
  • Event Processing: Real-time handling for efficient triage and case processing.
  • Fast Implementation: Low-code, collaborative AI development in days.
  • Model Operations: Access Prediction Studio for AI model management.
  • AI Governance: Responsible, transparent AI with monitoring and reporting.


Say goodbye to manual struggles and welcome effortless transformations. With PEGA automation in the driver's seat, your business processes get a boost, productivity skyrockets, and every task stays on track. It's like using a swish of a magic wand and creating enterprise-level applications, giving routine tasks a robotic makeover, and turning your data into gold nuggets of insights. So, if you're ready to leap into the future where automation does the heavy lifting while you benefit from the results, Pega Solutions is the cape-wearing hero you have been waiting for. 

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of PEGA's superpowers, if you're wondering where to kick things off, look no further than Evonsys. As pioneers in PEGA solutions, we are ready to make your business journey smoother, your customer experiences dazzling, and decisions smarter. Bid farewell to manual struggles and let Evonsys be your launchpad into the world of PEGA automation. It's time to get your journey started and soar onward and upward. 

Get in touch with our experts now


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