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Business Process Automation Services

Business Process Automation: Revolutionizing Operations for Success

Discover the transformative power of Business Process Automation Solutions and how it can elevate your organization to new heights.

If you've landed here, chances are you've already dipped your toes into the world of Business Process Automation services and discovered its countless possibilities. You might have even waded through a flood of statistics touting the promising prospects of BPA and how it can turn your organization into a well-organized powerhouse. While all that is exciting to read about, you're probably still wondering what tangible change BPA can bring to your organization. 

We'd like to cut right to the chase! Instead of walking you through what Business Process Automation solutions is, how it works, and its mechanics, we'd like to take you straight to the climax, where you will see how some organizations have entirely transformed how they do business. You will see how organizations have moved from firefighting with error-prone systems to offering their customers exceptional customer service and breeding loyalty into the very DNA of their services.  

After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, right? We're eager to show you how Business Process Automation Services has worked wonders for some organizations, elevating them to new heights and setting them apart from the competition. 

The Competitive Advantage DNA within BPA  

Ever heard of Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema's book "The Discipline of Market Leaders"? They came up with this framework that says there are three key pillars that companies need to focus on to dominate the market: Operational Efficiency, Performance Superiority, and Customer Intimacy. Now, here's the interesting part - they also suggest that you can only excel at one of these pillars and still do pretty well in the other two. 

3 Key Pillars

So, picture this: you get to pick which pillar you want your organization to be the leader in while still putting up a good fight in the other areas. It's all about finding your sweet spot! And guess what? Business Process Automation solutions is like the secret sauce that can support you in excelling at two of those pillars while you focus on what you do best. 

Let's say you're already acing the game in performance superiority - that's fantastic! Leave the worries of operational efficiency and customer intimacy to Business Process Automation services. It's like having a trusty partner to handle those aspects for you, allowing you to stay on top of your game without breaking a sweat. 

The Proof of the Pudding – Finally!

We’ve got a couple of stories lined up for you. Stories where we were fortunate to play the second act.

Alright, lights, camera, BPA!

The Vaulted Chronicles

Change was long overdue in a venerable banking institution with a 200-year history. The Special Titles Account opening process relied on outdated manual methods and an ancient application, causing chaos as the customer base began to swell. Inefficient wealth management led to frequent market and revenue losses. 

Account opening and business validation kept branches busy and the disconnected system from the central account management team led to frequent data inconsistencies. Each branch locally developed its account administration, leading to discrepancies and mounting KYC issues, at the cost of the customer convenience. 

Customers suffered needless visits due to missed KYC requirements, denting the bank's renowned customer experience. But the winds of change blew in the boardroom, sparking a journey of modernization and innovation – Enter EvonSys! 

Embracing transformation, the bank vowed to unite branches with a centralized system, restoring its legacy of trust and prosperity. The institution's timeless reputation would stand tall once more, guided by the lessons of history and the promise of a brighter future. 

In a remarkable collaboration, EvonSys helped the organization focus on operational efficiency, rich customer experience (the two pillars we talked about), and revenue generation. It swiftly defined and delivered revenue-boosting elements, revitalizing earnings for the bank. Together, the alliance wove a tale of transformation and success. 

The Service Request Stampede 

Along the rugged frontier of the banking and financial services industry, a company with over 5 million customers faced challenges that would test even the most skilled cowboys. As they provided an array of essential services, they had to be quick on the draw to meet the diverse needs of their customers. 

Their first challenge was to handle service requests efficiently and effectively across various touchpoints. With customers galloping in from all directions, they needed a solution that could deliver quick results without any wild goose chases. 

But the second challenge loomed even larger, like an ominous thundercloud on the horizon. Wrangling data from different sources and keeping it updated and consistent was a task as challenging as taming a wild stallion. The customers would reach out to the bank or contact center agents, and different teams had their unique services to provide. These changes in records needed to be synchronized seamlessly, but often, this process felt as slow as a snail crossing the desert. 

The customer service team knew they needed a partner to help them rope in these challenges and turn them into opportunities. That's when EvonSys rode into town with a proposal that could change the game. 

With EvonSys as their trusted partner, the company reaped a bountiful harvest of benefits. The new application and solution flawlessly accommodated all their key objectives, achieving remarkable business values. Resource costs and time were minimized, and customer satisfaction soared with single interactions catering to multiple service requests. Unnecessary physical visits to the center became a thing of the past, replaced by increased efficacy in banking operations. The records across different systems were seamlessly updated with just a single application after providing the service, while customer interaction time drastically reduced from hours to mere minutes per interaction, effortlessly handling multiple requests at once.  

In an impressive feat, EvonSys completed the entire project within a short span of 12 months, further solidifying their legendary status as the ultimate trailblazers in the banking frontier. 

As they rode into the sunset, EvonSys by their side, they knew they could conquer any frontier and create a legendary tale passed down through generations around campfires. 

EvonSys: A Trusted Partner in Low Code Solutions

EvonSys stands tall as a trusted partner in Low Code Solutions, having demonstrated its unparalleled value in empowering banking institutions through our adept implementation of Business Process Automation services. With a reputation as the ultimate trailblazers in the industry, EvonSys has showcased expertise and prowess, revolutionizing how banking institutions handle processes with incredible efficiency and effectiveness.

We have illuminated the path towards streamlined operations, seamless workflows, and enhanced customer experiences, earning unwavering trust and admiration from our customers. Our innovative approach and commitment to excellence make us the go-to partner for those seeking to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of modern banking.

If you’ve got questions about how to leverage Business Process Automation solutions and bring about revolutionizing changes that can transform your organization. Talk to us today.


In conclusion, Business Process Automation solutions stand as a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize the banking industry. Throughout this blog, we have explored how BPA can streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and boost overall efficiency for banking and financial organizations. Through compelling case studies, EvonSys has proven its expertise in implementing BPA, showcasing the immense value it brings to institutions seeking to thrive in the digital age.

For those aiming to stay ahead in the competitive landscape, embracing Business Process Automation services is no longer an option but a necessity. It is a transformative force that allows organizations to optimize their processes, reduce manual errors, and achieve operational excellence. Here’s how, as leaders in Low Code Solutions, EvonSys stands as the trusted partner for institutions on this journey.


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