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Pega Constellation

The Evolution: From Cosmos React to Pega Constellation Design System

Uncover the groundbreaking journey of the Pega Constellation UI, revolutionizing app design and igniting innovation levels.

The Evolution From Cosmos React To Pega Constellation Design System - EvonSysThe Evolution Story: From Cosmos React to Pega Constellation Design System

In an era where customer and employee expectations are constantly evolving, businesses find themselves at a crossroads, searching for innovative ways to meet these demands. The quest for seamless experiences across various channels has spurred a re-evaluation of how organizations deliver solutions that genuinely captivate their end users. It's a pivotal moment in the evolution of enterprise solutions and brings us to the forefront of groundbreaking technology: the Pega Infinity'23. Curious to know more? Let's take a look at its key capabilities: 

  • Pega GenAI: Supercharge development with AI-driven suggestions and workflows for happier customers and a more content workforce. 
  • Pega Process Mining: Gain complete visibility into workflows, automate for efficiency, and realize faster investment returns. 
  • Pega Constellation UI: Unify UX for quicker, consistent app design, igniting innovation levels. 
  • Pega App Studio: Democratize app development with a Reuse Library and AI, unlocking boundless productivity. 

It's now time to dive deep into the journey of the hero of this blog – the Pega Constellation UI. Before we uncover its evolution story, let's quickly compare it with its predecessor, the Theme Cosmos.

Theme Cosmos vs. Constellation Design System

Pega Constellation Design System

  • Configuration Focus: Shifts the emphasis from UI customization to configuration, enabling the setup of business logic without the need to create UI elements from the ground up.
  • Predefined Workflows: Provides pre-established workflows for users and guided authoring for low-code developers, facilitating swift application development by utilizing pre-designed UI components tailored for efficient user experiences.
  • View Configuration: Allows for the configuration of views rather than individual sections, streamlining the process of configuring business logic and subsequently adding a presentation layer to the data. This approach eliminates the need to embed logic within individual UI components.

Theme Cosmos

  • Customization Options: Permits customization of skins, sections, and harnesses to tailor the Pega UI to specific needs.
  • Compatibility: Suitable for Pega 8.7 and earlier versions.
  • User Workflow Guidance: Offers predefined workflows for users to streamline their journey.
  • Development Approach: Created through a blend of App Studio and Dev Studio for a flexible development process.
  • Customization Emphasis: Prioritizes Pega UI customization, potentially resulting in inconsistent user experiences and upgrade complexities.

EvonSys Pega Constellation Vs Theme Cosmos

Constellation: A New UI Technology Architecture 

Moving from Cosmos React 8.7 to Constellation 8.8 is transitioning to an advanced version of your favorite software. In Pega 8.8, we proudly introduce the Constellation design system, a natural progression from the previously known Cosmos React in Pega 8.7. This transformation signifies Pega's steadfast commitment to innovation and user-centered design. 

Constellation isn't just a name change but a comprehensive overhaul of Pega's UI architecture. It encompasses a UI data model, an orchestration layer, a DX API, SDKs, and a comprehensive design system. This transition in terminology carries substantial implications:

EvonSys Benefits and Performance MetricsSource: Pega

Pega's Constellation architecture brings a multitude of advantages:

  • Efficiency: Constellation's templated and configuration-based development paradigm can increase development by up to 50% compared to traditional UI builders, enabling faster innovation delivery.
  • Performance: Constellation's stateless architecture enhances application performance, ensuring smooth operation even under heavy workloads.
  • User Experience: Pega's native user experience, seamlessly integrated into Constellation, is meticulously designed to enhance operational productivity.
  • App Studio Empowerment: With Constellation, the majority of development tasks can be efficiently managed within App Studio, democratizing application development.
  • Custom Front-End Development: Model-driven REST API endpoints empower developers to create tailored front-end experiences for Pega Platform™ applications.
  • SDK Variety: Constellation offers Angular, React, and Web-Component SDKs, expanding the reach of low-code development to support organization-specific design systems, and fostering innovation and customization.

Source: Pega

Seamless Migration: What Users Need to Know 

Are you worried about the complications of migration to the Constellation UI? Fear not, here’s a three-step process for you that will make this experience as easy as a walk in the park.

  • Objective Clarity: Define application objectives in simple terms, aligning with Pega Express methodology.
  • Data Placement: Identify business objects and determine data locations for efficient access through the UI.
  • Practical Use Case: Walk through a use case to understand actions, AI, collaboration, and navigation within Constellation.


In essence, the transition from Cosmos React to Constellation 8.8 exemplifies Pega's unwavering dedication to delivering cutting-edge solutions, simplifying development processes, elevating user experiences, and empowering developers to shape the future of enterprise applications. Couple this with EvonSys' commitment to innovation and excellence, and you will find your perfect match in the realm of UI innovation. 

Visit our website today and get your journey started!

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